RBF service selling of raw honey at a remunerative price by the beekeepers is a serious contestant because of the lack of an organized marketing system for this sweet commodity in India. In this regard, you can purchase more than 75 percent f the total honey in a different flavor.
RBF varies from customer to customer within a common package includes placing a hive or multiple hives on your property and tending them throughout the year. The hive will provide pollination for your garden and orchard. We provide the honey two to three times per year and use or sell the wax and the raw honey as our source of revenue. Here is provides the best quality of raw honey.
Some of our customers choose to keep all of their honey, which is used to make a good and healthy for humans. Our services are customized to your individual needs and may include bees, equipment, basic hive management, harvesting, extraction of honey, bottling, and personalized labels.
Prices vary depending on the number of hives on the property, accessibility, location, and the level of service desired. Free consultations are available by appointment.
We will supply and maintain honey on behave of your choice within includes some features as:
• Provide the raw honey where you can find the best quality
• Harvest the honey from the hive by special machinery
• Package into Jars or containers of your choice adding your own personal Bespoke label
• Choose the style of Hive, deliver, position, and set it up in the perfect place
• Prepare the hive for winter and also the hot season
To know more information connect with Indian honey manufacturers and wholesale honey suppliers.
Hi do you sell a queenbees ?Im interesting Giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) or apis florea